Within the framework of the presentation of the Playa Miramar 2018 Carnival, the president of Ciudad Madero Andrés Zorrilla announced that a promotion strategy will be promoted in the Valley of Texas with the objective of recovering international tourism and encouraging vacation development.

“We are going to do all this promotion for the recovery of foreign tourism, specifically American that has stopped coming, and of course from here we want to make it very clear, we know what we are and this happens in the world of competition in every way, we know that we are a tourist competition of many beach destinations “said the mayor Andrés Zorrilla.

He added that the purpose of attracting this type of visitors obeys two objectives, the first is the visit of 4 charters to the resort and the second is to promote Playa Miramar in Texas “these two utilities are very important because the mere fact of being promoted in the Valley of Texas, specifically in Houston, allows us to attract the attention of the media there and the operators that just have to do with reservations and vacation strategies in Playa “.

Andrés Zorrilla, added that “we are added to a call made by our Governor in the State Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca for whom from here we appreciate all the support he has given for the tourist promotion of Playa Miramar, in the south of Tamaulipas”.

The Playa Miramar 2018 Carnival will take place from February 15 to 19, on a coastal boulevard with different categories, as well as prizes for the most outstanding troupes; The successful development of the party is guaranteed by the participation of an inter-institutional block of dependencies, for more information those interested can go to the Bicentennial Cultural Center.

Finally, the head of the building pointed out that this event is “an effort of the three levels of government to send a message of trust and turn Playa Miramar into what it should be, a walk of families, a reliable holiday center, of great attention as Hoteliers and restaurateurs are giving it, but undoubtedly the real hosts are the people from the south of Tamaulipas and the private initiative “he concluded.


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